Merry Olympic Tuesday to you. I love the Olympics. Specifically, the swimming. But I will watch pretty much any Olympic sport except weightlifting. That one freaks me out.
Clearly Contacts is pretty amazing. I got two pairs of glasses in the past two weeks for under $150. For both. One pair was on summer clearance and one pair I got for free from a Facebook offer. I know, Facebook offers always seem too good to be true and then it turns out they aren’t. But this was legit. It would have cost me even less if I didn’t need coke bottle lenses because of my prescription. All these cheap glasses have got me wondering how much my eye doctor has been ripping me off the past 20 years of my life?!
Last night I accidentally taped the American broadcast of the Olympics. You know what? I think the TSN/CTV coverage is better. I never thought James Duthie and Jay & Dan would rise above Brian Williams (American) and Bob Costas but they’ve done it. Those crazy Sportscentre kids. Also, having a PVR has completely changed my Olympics experience. I get to fastforward the boring (boxing, weightlifting) bits and commercials and focus on Swimming and Gymnastics.
My roommates came downtown to have lunch with me today. I think it’s the first time all three of us have been together since summer started. It’s amazing how many people want to come have lunch with you when your work is located right at the Food Truck epicenter of town.
I finally went and saw The Dark Knight Rises on Sunday night. I loved it. I won’t spoil it for you in case you haven’t seen it yet. There were a couple of plot twists towards the end that I did not see coming, and I very rarely get surprised in movies. I’m usually the girl that figures it out halfway through, while my former roommate Mrs. De Ridder can figure a plot twist out about ten minutes in. She could have been a screenwriter in another life. Anyway. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was my favorite part, and I still think that Gary Oldman is the true hero of Batman. I surprisingly did not hate Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman, which makes me hopeful that she won’t ruin Les Mis for me. Go see it. Preferably with a bunch of boys who are majorly geeking out over it.
Speaking of movies. The Bourne Legacy comes out on Friday. Who wants to go see it with me!?
Awesome, right?
I hereby present you with the most delicious thing I’ve eaten all week. Caramelized Apples, Pecans & Brie grilled cheese. From the Mom’s Grilled Cheese Food Truck.
Excuse me while I geek out for a second. It’s crazy how much the cell phone technology has improved for these Olympics. I downloaded the CTV Olympics app and got to watch Michael Phelps beat the Olympic Record live on my phone. It was super considerate of the Olympic organizers to time that race perfectly with my lunch break, so thanks very much Lord Coe et al. The video streaming and picture quality were unreal. It was literally like watching a mini TV. No buffering, no nothing. I know someone who wants to live until he’s 100 just to see what happens with cell phone technology. I’m sure by then they will have an iPhone app that can perform surgery for you.
I was three years old when the Edmonton tornado hit. I don’t remember it. But ask any Edmontonian who was around that day and I guarantee they will have a story about where they were when the sky went black. I thought it might be fitting to share this song by the Rural Alberta Advantage on the 25 year anniversary of Black Friday.
The past few weeks have been full of joy and rest and good friends. My heart is full and fed. God has been really faithful and I feel abundantly blessed and thankful. But I don’t want to forget all the lessons I learned through the heartache and suffering of the past six months. Have you heard that phrase, ”Don’t forget in the dark what you learned in the light?” I think it works both ways. Now that I’m in the light, I don’t want to forget the powerful truths God spoke to me through the darkness. Don’t forget the valley.
1) no way I could have been a screenwriter but you’re so sweet to say so.
2) i also did not see those plot twists coming.
3) i will see bourne legacy with you.
4) i think you’re in the first three people to call me mrs. de ridder in the 2.5 years i’ve had the title. nicely done.
love –
former roomie
I would also see the Bourne legacy with you but I don’t think my hubby will give me up for two nights
Hm. Maybe we could go next week? 🙂
Oh. My.
That grilled cheese taste treat looks divine (I myself take to religiously stalking the grilled cheese truck here in LA).
Hope your sandwich was a delicious as it looked!