Happy New Year, friends! Welcome back to my incredibly earnest annual tradition. As always, I hope you enjoy reading about the highs and lows of my year and the things I’ve learned, read, watched, and listened to along the way. What did you do in 2024 that you’d never done before? Did you keep your […]
2023 Year in Review
At the end of last year, I did one of those “find out your word for the year” Instagram things. I rolled my eyes just a little as I did it—do I believe the Lord can speak a word through an Instagram post? Sure, God can do anything. Do I believe that he does? Probably […]
2022 Year in Review
This year more than most, I’ve grappled with how much to share and how honest I should be in this wrap up. 2022 was a very hard year for me. I experienced grief, loss and sadness unlike I’ve ever known before, and I cried so many tears that it’s shocking I haven’t turned into a […]
2021 Year in Review

Well team, we made it. What a year. When we got to the end of 2020, I distinctly remember thinking that things couldn’t get any worse. But somehow this year was harder than the last. It was full of tears, stress, long separations from people I loved, cancelled or changed plans, dashed hopes, sleepless nights, […]
2020 Year in Review

I started to think about writing this post in September. It’s a daunting task to wrap up a year like this one, but I’ll do my best. The pandemic flipped our metaphorical snowglobe upside down and the flakes are not done swirling and falling into place yet. Even though the calendar has flipped to a […]
2019 Year in Review

Every year when I do these posts, I’m amazed at how much can happen in just twelve months. In 2019 I travelled, met new people and had experiences that I never saw coming. Looking back is an important practice for me, because I have a tendency to be anxious about the future and how my […]
2018 Year in Review

When I think back over the past year, the main word that comes to mind is: change. There were a lot of big changes in 2018, both in my life and in the lives of my close friends. One of my best friends got married, another two had their first babies, and I started a much […]
2017 Year in Review
As I sit here on the eve of 2018 the thought that comes to mind is: well, I’m glad that’s over. 2017 was a hard year. Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot to be thankful for! One of the things that I love about doing these year in review posts is it forces me […]
Liner Notes

Back in early January 2016, the four of us Heritage Hill gals gathered in Grace’s living room to put together a work-back plan to record an album. I don’t think we had any idea that morning what God had in store for us over the course of the next year. Even then, as we planned […]
2016 Year in Review

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. 2016 was a hard year for me and for the world, but amidst all the sorrows, there were some wonderful and happy events—my best friend became a mother, I finished a humongous project at work, and it was definitely my best travel year to […]