Back in early January 2016, the four of us Heritage Hill gals gathered in Grace’s living room to put together a work-back plan to record an album. I don’t think we had any idea that morning what God had in store for us over the course of the next year. Even then, as we planned […]

Listen up, crew. I want to talk about unconditional love for a second. Have you guys heard this new Katy Perry song? I am about to ruin it for you. Sorry about that. Here have a listen, I’ll wait. I am not one of those hipsters who hates pop music, I promise. See here and […]
Everything I love is on the table, everything I love is out to sea

I meant to post this yesterday for Music Monday, but then a bunch of boys invited me to come over for a BBQ at the last minute and how can you say no to homemade burgers, amiright? May is going to be a wild and crazy month. I’m already stressing about how I will make […]
The Brothers Karamazov
Am really digging Ivan & Aloysha with all their shakers, whistling and man harmonies. And haven’t you always wanted to know more about hat making? All the Times We Had by Ivan & Aloysha
Are you comfortable right there, right there?

The sun is back! I feel like a new woman this week you guys. I don’t even care that it is still blustery with a cold, cold wind. I will take sunshine any way I can get it. First of all, The Happening Black and White Gala was a huge success. Everyone looked amazing, funds […]
Put your cookies in the cooling rack, let’s kiss the sky away
Happy Music Monday kids. These guys (Cave Singers) are my jam today. Their album, No Witch is so super good. Especially if you like harmonicas and rootsy indie music. Doesn’t this video seem like summer to you? Sun in your eyes, haven’t showered in a couple of days, jazz flute? Kidding about that last part. […]
Question, tell me what you think about me?

Did you guys watch the Super Bowl yesterday? I did go to a Super Bowl party, which was well attended by females. A couple of the guys sitting next to me on the couch were all, ”Why are there so many girls here?!” Um, because it’s the Super Bowl and there are DUDES and BEYONCE, […]
There’s a house on fire and I’m runnin in
You guys – these guys!! The moon’s gonna rise no matter what The moon’s gonna rise no matter what And I’m a hero and a monster So tie me to the chair The way the parts of me They always disagree It’s a wonder that this body doesn’t break It’s a wonder that this body […]
As long as I’ve got my suit and tie…and hairdryer.

Oh hey. Sorry I’ve been MIA. But I didn’t have much to say. And the skies have been really gray. And other things have been filling up my day. I didn’t mean to stay away…so long, mmm’kay? I’m done. I retire from rapping. Quit while you’re ahead and all that. It’s Music Monday, so we […]
I see a tiny light telling everyone to hold on tight
Taking a break from the Christmas music today. I’ve really been loving this album lately and this song seemed appropriate today. ps – this song is also killer