You guys, we did it! We made it through the worst month of the whole year. I’m so happy it’s February I could sing or something, February is one my most favorite months of the year. Good things always seem to happen in February. Michelle is doing this February Photo a Day challenge and I thought I’d join in. Because who doesn’t love a challenge photos? Let’s be honest, I pretty much take photos every day anyway. This way at least there will be some structure/purpose to it.
February 1st – Your View Today
Jenn is on holidays this week. Jenn lives near City Hall. Jenn and I spent one glorious hour basking in the sunshine on my lunch break. This was the best view of my day.
February 2nd – Words
I think this is stretching the rules of the challenge, but we were singing words. About the Word. I am so super happy to get to lead worship with these guys (again, after a long time). Word.
ps- Are we friends on Instagram? Come find me, I’m addicted (heysarahmiller).