Hope y’all are enjoying Love Month so far! It’s ok to still like Valentine’s Day and Love Month in general even if you’re single right? I feel like you can choose to be sad about it or you can choose to be happy you have so many awesome friends and family who you loooove. Right? Right. Check out this cute Love Month desktop wallpaper! There’s hearts. ps if you’re going to get me a Valentines Day card, I really like this one:
(via Our Paper Shop)
On Friday night my friend hosted a clothing swap and I think this might have been the best one yet. Personally, I feel that the best thing about going to a clothing swap is that it forces me to get rid of all the clothes in my closet I don’t wear anymore. I’m not much of a pack rat except when it comes to clothes. But…but what if this horrible t-shirt that never fit me right in the first place suddenly comes back into style? I came away with a sweet jean jacket and purse that used to belong to Jenn and a Tami Knepper sweater. They are pretty much the most stylish people I know so I feel pretty good about wearing their old clothes.
A friend sent me this helpful chart explaining social media using donuts. I guess he has come to think of me as some kind of social media guru. The Google Plus one is my favorite.
Speaking of social media, at least three people last week told me that they “always read my tweets” or that my twitter feed is their favourite. Two of those people were pastors. I am not telling you this to congratulate myself, I promise. It’s just…think of the pressure! I have to be funny and holy now? Great.
This is maybe kind of lame because it’s already February but I broke down and ordered an actual old school paper day planner this week. I’m still using Teux Deux in the actual day to day to make sure I get everything done, but I need help scheduling myself and seeing all my commitments actually written out for the month and iCal was just not cutting it. Last week I had a near breakdown because I said yes to more things than I have actual hours in the day for. And I hate disappointing people by having to cancel on them. I’m learning, you guys. Balancing freelance work and an office job is hard. I would like to have some kind of a social life in there too. And maybe time to read, also.
Speaking of reading, Douze got me this book for Christmas and it has been a total game changer for me. Between the Bible reading plan I’m doing and this I feel like my prayer life has grown so much over the past month and a bit.
“In praying scripture, I not only find myself in intimate communication with God, but my mind is being retrained or renewed to think Christ’s thoughts about my situation rather than mine.”
On Sunday night I got to catch up with an old friend from junior high school who was in town checking out a very fancy and impressive clinical psychiatry program. Honestly, everyone I went to junior high with grew up to be super brainiac doctors or engineers except me. It was nice to catch up and fill each other in on everything that has happened in the past 10 years or so since we’ve seen each other. She asked me a lot of questions about what it’s like living in Vancouver and at the end of the night she said it seems like I’m really in love with this City. And you know, what? I really am!
The preliminary census data is going to be released this week! I know approximately four people who will be excited about this. All my hard work from last year is finally paying off for statisticians and city planners everywhere!
Ok. Have you all seen the new Hunger Games trailer? Egads, I cannot wait to see this movie. Me and Ariana have even been talking about lining up with all the crazy people and going at midnight. It changes every few days between “yay! Let’s do it!” and “we’re way too old, midnight is past bedtime.” Might be a game time decision.
K. So…remember all that freelancing I’ve been doing? Well one of the projects is finished. This past week we launched the new and improved Marc Ross Music site! Drumroll…tada, all that:
I’m super proud of it, you guys! Marc wanted something really simple and clean and I think we managed to pull it off. You can listen to all the songs from his EP (they’re good, so you should go do that) He’s out on a Canada wide tour right now and we’ve set up a Tour Photoblog. Everyone always talks about how it’s hard to do business with friends but this has honestly been the best experience. Marc is going to be playing at the Railway club next week for those of you in the Vancouver area. You should come! Make sure you tell him how much you love his new website.
Hey!!! I read your blog tonight! I hope you can find a night to chill this week. Hope to see you soon 🙂
Read AND commented! +10 friend points!
Love the Marc Ross site! As usual, I was having a crummy Tuesday (they’re my longest day and today I’m also sick), and as also usual, your top ten gave me some end-of-the-day cheer.
Thanks, Sarah!
Thank YOU Keri! I’m glad people like reading these, it makes the time it takes to write them worth it. I hope you feel better soon.
1. I’m really excited about census data. Like, really!
2. I’m even more excited about Hunger Games! I’m about 35 million years older than you but I would stay up past midnight to go. Just putting it out there….
Omg. I am spending all of this morning going through the Daily. *adjusts nerd glasses* Is it weird that I really and truly care about the population count for Burns Lake? They were so helpful!
LET’S ALL GO TOGETHER!!!!!!! I can have a nap after work and sleep in until like 8 on Friday. I can do this.
I think everyday we have a choice to be happy or sad. Happy is much more fun! 🙂 Glad you’re choosing it as well.