Tuesday Top Ten


March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb that’s how it goes right? I hope so. I have been starting to daydream about wearing shorts and sandals. It’s going to be a Top Five again today y’all. It’ll all make sense when you get to the end.


This cover of Fleetwood Mac’s Silver Springs is so lovely, and so sad. I swear I am not as depressed as my musical taste makes me seem.


Oh hey, speaking of sad songs. Here’s another Civil Wars video! Are you getting sick of me posting about them yet? Too bad, it’s my blog. Get your own.

Serious question: how can I get my hair to look like hers?


Today I gave my landlady notice that I’ll be moving out on May 1st. It was so sad because she is seriously the coolest. This place has been such a wonderful blessing and I’ve loved living here. But I feel like it’s time to move and I’m moving into a better situation. And now it’s official. May 1st is moving day. If you have a truck/muscles/organizational skills and you like me a little, I am accepting moving crew applications.


This video has been making the rounds on Facebook today. Take the time you would have spent reading my last five things (plus erm, 26 more minutes) and watch.

I have a few friends who are really passionately involved with Invisible Children and have been promoting and hosting events here in Vancouver. There will be a special screening event on April 13th if you’re local and want to check it out.

2 Replies to “Tuesday Top Ten”

  1. I always thought her hair was impossible, but it is mostly possible with a straight iron and a bit of practice. I’ve also noticed she wears a super high bun sometimes that looks like she pinned it when she got out of the shower. If one did this in the correct way, I think loose waves may be achieved. I think the trick for me has been not freaking out at how curly my hair starts out, knowing that loose waves will appear in an hour or so.

    Thanks for the KONY 2012 share!

    1. Man, I have really been trying to master the straight iron curls and failing miserably. Practice, you say? My hair is long and I get impatient and give up halfway through.

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