Happy Tuesday kids! The blog redesign is almost finished and will probably launch later this week. Enjoy the old layout while you can, say your goodbyes now. New things are on the virtual horizon!
Bellitat, the dance show that Jer, Jonas and I wrote music for was a rousing success. A whole bunch of friends came out to see us, which was such a blessing. So thanks if you were one of them! We had such a great time working with Kim and the other dancers and are hoping to do more collaborations in the future so stay tuned. After spending the entire week at the dance centre and hub with these two, I am happy to report that we are not sick of each other yet nor did we argue even once. Quality gents, these guys.
I had a grouchy professor in Music School named Bobby Cairns. He was the head of the guitar department and I got to take my second year improv class from him. I wish I could have brought a tape recorder with me to class every week because he said so many hilarious and wise things. One time I remember him railing on electronic music/downloading and he shouted, “We have raised a generation who think music just HAPPENS!”
This blog post, has been making its way around the internet this week. It is thoughtful and well written (and long). He makes some really good points about the ethical dilemma we face when we download music for free. I’m not saying I agree 100% with everything he says, but it’s worth a think-over.
”I also deeply empathize with your generation. You have grown up in a time when technological and commercial interests are attempting to change our principles and morality. Rather than using our morality and principles to guide us through technological change, there are those asking us to change our morality and principles to fit the technological change–if a machine can do something, it ought to be done.”
—David Lowery
Are any of you guys using 8tracks? It’s a playlist/social music sharing site I’ve seen some bloggers using to share what they’re listening to. I made a summer playlist to test it out. Seems like it could be a great way to find new music. Not sure how all the licensing works though.
The Oilers have a mobile app! It’s about time. The iPhone app hasn’t been released yet but hopefully it’ll be out before the draft on Friday? I will be having a third annual Oilers draft party in my living room and you’re all invited.
London Drugs now prints Instagrams! And they are cheap, cheap, cheap. I got a bunch yesterday and finally did the photo wall in my room. I moved in two months ago and still hadn’t unpacked my picture frames.
And Ariana will comment to tell me one of the frames isn’t straight in three…two…one…
I am still not sick of this song. This whole video is great, but Black Thought and Bongos are the best part.
I am very excited to announce the launch of the new Transposition Films website! Ryan and I have been working on this project off and on for the past six months and it’s so exciting to see it finished. I wrote the copy for the site and set it all up using WordPress. Aaron Rose took the headshots and Ryan designed the TFilms logo.
Tiff and I went and saw Snow White again this weekend. And this time I got to see previews (last time was a screening- no previews) and wanted to see every movie! You guys, I am so excited about the new Bourne movie. True story, The Bourne Identity is one of my Top Five all time favorite movies.
This week in Sarah’s ongoing quest for a job: Informational Interviews! I am working hard to brush up on my networking skills, and also I want to find out more about creative agencies in and around Vancouver and how they do business. Do you know someone I should get in contact with? Send me an email!
HAHAHA you know me so well. But you implemented the tricksy trick of having an Alice-in-Wonderland crazy-frame, so I can’t even tell if things are crooked.
I think The Roots are so freaking great, man. Captain Kirk. James. A MELODICA? Yes.
Ha! That was my plan. I am a SNEAKY MOM! (Not actually).
They are so freaking great. All of them. Even Tuba Gooding Jr.
That song is SO catchy! Matt and I watched that video this weekend, and I even caught Matt a few times humming it later, only to catch himself, and then use a “hockey word” in embarrassment. Hilarity abounds!
Yeah for Oilers draft par-TAY!!!!
Hahaha “hockey word”! I love it.
YAY!! Websites!! Thanks again 🙂
Have you heard of Creative Mornings Vancouver? Look it up. Lots of creative networking opps there.