Top Ten is back for this week friends. I’ve decided to keep going for at least the rest of the summer and then re-evaluate my whole life in the fall.
We have finally reached the sunshine times in Vancouver where everyone forgets about rain and eight months of grey skies and spends every free moment at the beach. It’s hard to explain how much sunshine changes the mood of this city to people who don’t live here. Vancouver is a totally different place when the sun is out. People are happy and a million times friendlier, more likely to say hi to you or shoot a stranger a smile. I’ve never experienced anything like it anywhere else. Of course, now that I am back to full time work my beach time is limited but I’m happy to get to wear sunglasses on a daily basis.
Speaking of beach time…I really need to even out these ridiculous tan lines I got when I was in Edmonton a few weeks ago. Let this be a lesson to you, kids! If you are going to sit outside all day on your parent’s deck reading a book make sure you slather on some sunscreen or wear a really revealing top so that your burn is even.
I am getting so excited for the Olympics! Only ten more days until the opening ceremony. Normally I’m more of a Winter Olympics kind of gal, but I love watching swimming and gymnastics. Also there was this crazy canoe slalom kayak event that I remember being totally mesmerizing in Beijing.
I may be biased, but I think the branding for Vancouver 2010 was so much nicer than London 2012. Can you believe it’s already been two years since the Olympics were here? Egads.
I bought this dress from Anthropologie last week. It was mega on sale and I had a gift card so it ended up costing me zero dollars! So so pretty. I need styling help though. What kind of shoes/jewelry should I wear with it?
I inherited this dino for my desk at the new job. He has sweet hair. What should I call him? Currently I am leaning toward Melvin.
I’m a little late blogging about this but I did finally get my hair cut. It was about time. Apparently someone had even asked my hairstylist when she was going to cut it already. Egads people, it was not down to my feet or anything! She took off about four and a half inches. I love that it no longer takes 20 minutes to dry and I honestly don’t miss the mermaid hair at all. Next time I might go even shorter. And back to dark. But after summer is done, let’s not get crazy.
The Dark Knight Rises this week! I will not be going to see it on opening weekend because I will have out of town guests er, in town. And while I love the Nolan Batmans, it’s not as important to me as say, The Bourne Legacy (OMGYAYetc). How are we feeling about Anne Hathaway as Catwoman? I’m not convinced that she will be awesome. Honestly I have yet to think she is awesome in anything except for maybe The Princess Diaries 2 and my positive memories of that movie might have more to do with Chris Pine/Julie Andrews’ mattress surfing. Anyway, Anne was on Jimmy Fallon this week and wore a completely crazy dress. It was all picnic table cloth on the bottom and figure skating outfit illusion netting on the top. Check it:
ps. How adorbs is Jimmy? “Chris Nolan…I call him Chris.” Love that guy.
Can I interest you in a video of longboarders barreling down a mountain in the dark? Let’s be clear: I don’t care about longboarding. The video description is awesome: “As they battle their way through each turn, they fall deeper into an un-explored realm of stoke.” I really like the music and this reminded me of Hot Rod. WHISSSSSSKY!
WE VS. THE NIGHT from Benjamin Dowie on Vimeo.
Douze and her friend Michelle are coming to visit this week! Michelle has never been to Vancouver. Can you imagine? We are going to do all the things! Specifically: beach time, kayaking, Granville Island and probably the Art Gallery. Also food trucks.
Melvin is too ‘on the nose’. How ’bout Craig? That longboard vid is sick!
I knew you’d like that video. Hmmm. I like Craig. What about Marv?
Still to on the nose. I’m with Josh. How about you call it Josh?
TYPO. *too
You got a new job?! Sweet! Details…
I thought you asked me for dress advice; now youre opening it up to the world?? #sooffended. Don’t you have pink heels?? Also, when is the wedding; Michelle has my necklace that would match.
I do have pink heels! I forgot! I don’t know if they’re the right shade though. The wedding is on August 11th.
Tami, I needed another item. OBVIOUSLY I will take your advice first and foremost.
P.S. Craig was my idea.
P.P.S. Clashing-shades are in. Must have a fitting to determine proper amount of clashing.
P.P.P.S Must bring cymbals to clash as well.
Jer wins the comment war as determined by my vote.
Aaaand we are going to listen to such gems as the Biebs and Call me Maybe – and You don’t know your beautiful!