Book Club-Weekend Update

Ok guys, I have not been faithful with these book club updates and I know there are probably two of you who care about what I’m reading. Sorry. Last week I finished On Beauty by Zadie Smith. I went back and forth about how many stars to give this one on goodreads and finally settled […]

Live to tell the story

Another book club update. I finished reading Lone Survivor a couple of weeks ago. I had no intention of doing any kind of book reviews when I started this Year-of-the-Written-Word thing, I just wanted to keep a tally of books I’ve read (up to date count: two books). But I’ve been thinking about this one […]

Book Club Update

A reading update, because if you can’t be accountable on the internet, where can you? I finished (finally) The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared. I did enjoy this book, despite the fact that it took me nearly 6 months to get through it. I liked the quirky story telling […]