Tuesday Top Ten


Kicking things off with a warning that I feel particularly rainy and uninspired this Tuesday. Plus I think I am either getting a cold or my body is staging a revolt against being too busy. It’s making me grumpy.


Sometimes I wonder if I will ever learn to rest and be still. How often do I complain about being too busy on this blog o’mine? But when it comes down to it, I think my heart craves business. It makes me feel like I am needed. I wrote this a long time ago, and I’m still learning the same lesson. It’s not an easy thing,this being still. Thankfully like everything else I don’t have to do it on my own strength.


If you have a Facebook or twitter account, you may have noticed that Bon Iver was in town last week. The show started and my newsfeed exploded! I’m totally guilty. I Instagrammed at least once while I was there.

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I had a friend date with Ariana. Natalie and Thomas and a few other friends made some special guest appearances. It was awesome to be at a concert in the park in the sunshine. If I’m being honest the show was just ok. It was a pretty mellow (duh), but I think my biggest complaint was just that everything sounded exactly like the record. Some people love this. But when I go to a show I like to see how the songs have grown, hear some kind of different arrangement or best yet—something spontaneous. And it was a good show, don’t get me wrong. The mix was awesome, especially considering he had twelve people on stage. They played a cover of Bjork’s Who Is It which was my favorite moment. But it wasn’t a mind blowing musical experience, if you get my drift. Bon Iver might be one of those bands that is more exciting in the studio than live? Don’t throw things, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that!


My friend Kim is an amazing dancer. She was probably the third or fourth person I met in Vancouver and I love her to pieces. We’ve been talking about doing a dance/music collaboration for years and it’s finally happening this month. If you’re going to be in Vancouver the weekend of June 15-16th come and check out Bellitat: a collaboration of dance, film and live music.

Featuring music written by JZ, Swiss Cellist phenom Jonas Flueckeningerheimer and yours truly! Now that I’ve told the whole internet I guess I’d better get writing.


There is this amazing bistro on Granville Island, Edible Canada. They have the most delicious local foods, and it’s pretty reasonably priced. Plus it is conveniently located right across from the Granville Island Stage, where Westside meets. On Sunday Natalie insisted we try their Tribute to Canadian Bacon! I used to think the whole bacon-goes-with-everything phenomenon was totally gross. Until one day Tami made me chocolate bacon waffles and my whole world changed. We tried the Bacon Fish tacos and the Bacon Cinnamon bun. It sounds gross but it was actually so amazing. If you’re down at Granville Island in the next little while I highly recommend the Bacon Sticky Bun.


Remember last week how Michelle was nominated as one of the favorite Vancouver Mom Bloggers of 2012? Well voting is now open! You can vote for her here. You should also check out her blog if you have not already done so. She is funny and wonderful and full of wisdom her boys are my favorite kids in the whole world.


I’m thinking about cutting my hair. I know, I know!! I love my hair. It is probably my best feature. But it’s super long. The longest it’s ever been in my life. And it is really annoying to wash/blowdry. Also it keeps getting tangled. And I don’t want to be one of those ladies who has to worry about her hair dragging in the toilet. What do you guys think?

This is a blurry picture from this past Sunday when I straightened it. I’m posting so you can have an accurate picture of just how long it has gotten and make an informed opinion. Also the campfire going off on stage is so hilarious to me. I still really wish that they had set it off during the sermon. For dramatic effect. Fire Fall Down!

(Thanks, Brett for the photos)


This is super cute. If it were me, I would probably be embarrassed to get proposed to in front of 60 people! But that is some impressive coordination. I wonder how many times they rehearsed it. And how they managed to pull it off without her knowing!? Adorbs.

(via Nadine)


In the name of transparency I need to confess that this past week has been pretty brutal both emotionally and spiritually. There are quite a few people I’m close to who are going through hard, painful things. And my heart just feels heavy on their behalf. Add to that my own never-ending roller coaster of a job search and emotional stuff I am trying to sort through/let go of and it makes for a pretty beat up and bruised heart.

I don’t want to go into too much detail for the sake of privacy. But I also don’t want to act like everything is amazing and happy all the time because that’s not helpful to anybody either. God is still good and there is strength and joy and peace within sorrow. But there have been a number of nights this week when I’ve laid in bed thinking, “Ok Lord, what is the purpose in this? Seriously. What do you want from me here!?!?” You guys, I don’t have any profound answers. I just keep hearing, “I love you. I know you. I created you. Trust me.”


In light of all this, I think it’s timely that Delve is going on this week. Every once in awhile Westside sets aside a time to gather together for extended worship, prayer and fasting. In worship, “We remind our hearts of God’s goodness, majesty, love, grace, holiness and power. This isn’t just an intellectual recall. God has given us music to touch our emotions. We sing the truth so that it moves, inspires, stirs, encourages and so transforms us” (Tim Chester). It is always, always good to lift up the name of Jesus and sing praises to him. But there is something about coming to him when you are weary and hurting that is so beautiful. Broken people call His name/Helpless children Praise the King.