Oh summer. With your warm sunshine and cold lakes and tanned skin and pink sunsets and wild adventures. You are taking up all of my time. Your golden days are beautiful and numbered, slipping through my fingers and living on in the back of my memory. Can you stay forever? Can you hurry up and […]
For Seasons
O’Leary came with the bagpipes, some music for to play

On Saturday, I trekked out to the valley to dance to Irish tunes in a barn. I jumped around and clapped on the off beats. I wore green pants. I sang along to The Night Pat Murphy Died at the top of my lungs, except for the third verse which I forgot the words to. […]
For everything there is a season

Here I am, jetlagged but not, on the Monday after daylight savings time. Second coffee in hand, conversations from the weekend rolling around in my head. I just listened, mostly. To plans for the future that included new places, people and goals. Growing up and growing roots. Moving on. A change of seasons coming soon […]
Count your Blessings Instead of Sheep

It’s Christmas Eve and I’m home. There are piles and piles of snow outside and my neighbour’s dog is howling in the backyard like he’s being murdered (he’s not). Mom is downstairs putting the tortiere in the oven and Dad is outside shoveling a path for us through the white mountains. I am thankful to […]
Has the rain a father, or who has begotten the drops of dew?

I hiked up my hood and wandered through the woods in the rain. It was lunchtime and I was in a rare outside mood. I am not an adventurer. I would rather wander through a good book, a piece of history, a piece of music or a person’s story than get dirty and lost on […]
Why do you doubt?

I’ve been thinking a lot about Peter. He climbed out of the boat, He stepped out on the waves and followed. But he saw the wind, He was afraid. He started sinking. Immediately. Jesus reached out his hand. Took hold of him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” I read that story […]
Happy Valentimes!
Hey crew, Happy Valentines. If you are reading this little blog o’ mine then I probably love you. You know who really loves you? Biebs. He loves you so much that he made you a playlist on Songza. Go check it. It has all the slow jams and Mariah Carey and MJ your pre-teen heart […]
when everything around you’s changing like the weather.
As the fog rolled in this week it rolled up inside me. Down from the mountains, over the ocean. Curling its gray haze in front of my eyeballs and through my brain. I am probably fighting that virus that’s going around. Probably. I am probably fighting a battle— not against flesh and blood. Fighting, fighting, […]
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
I’ve started two write nearly one million (approx.) posts this week and have not followed through on any of them. I don’t feel particularly interesting right now. Or witty. Or inspired. I feel like sitting on my couch in sweatpants, reading the Hobbit and not talking to anyone. I am excited for Christmas! Excited that […]
You know, deck them halls and all that stuff?

Big news you guys, we have a Christmas Tree! I have never decorated my own house for Christmas before. Since I go back home to Edmonton every year to be with my family I’ve just never bothered. But this year I really wanted a tree. Maybe because I finally have a place that feels homey […]