Every time I disappear from here for a bit I feel the need to explain my absence. The truth is that my life has been extremely uninteresting and small for the past month. I’ve been hibernating. Mulling things over. Maybe even hiding a little? I have sat down to write a few times and come […]
Honest to blog
a writing exercise

I’ve been having a hard time writing lately. Every time I try to think about what I want to share here I come up blank. God has been teaching me things, stretching me beyond my own ideas of who I am and what my life should be, but I don’t feel like I can solidly […]
It’s always sunny in Vancouver

We have been having amazing weather this month. Hot and sunny with no sign of rain for days. And not the oppressive kind of hot where you can’t sleep at night. Just that comfortable, take-a-book-to-the-beach kind of weather. Vancouver is at its best like this. It’s where the (totally self absorbed) slogan, The Best Place […]
A time to break down and a time to build up
This city worships the summer. The beaches fill, the clothes come off. Everything plays second fiddle to the weather. Isn’t it beautiful? Love this city! Can’t get enough of this view! It’s only a season. For everything there is a season. And a time for every matter under heaven. It’s easy to sing, time is […]
- Africa
- ...
blessings all mine
It was far from perfect, but it was blessed. Four things that made me happy this week: One Discovering this song. Two Shouting Talking to my whole family on speaker phone. Three A walk on the beach. Four All my fundraising came in. I’m going to Africa. I know so many loving and generous people.

You know how it goes, the first thing someone asks you: How are you doing? “Oh good! I’m good.” I say. And I am. I am good. I feel so much joy and anticipation about the changes I see in myself and people close to me. This is a season of newness! A time of […]
Never say never

”I’m NEVER going to eat that Mom!” When I was a kid I hated zucchini. My mom had a wonderful garden and she would grow monster zucchinis every summer. We are talking the size of two footballs laid end to end. She would fry them with a little bit of butter and some spices and […]
I don’t really have anything to say right now. In the last week, I’ve sat down and tried to write a few times. I have no thoughts. Or I have too many thoughts. But they don’t fit into any kind of organized system. Words, sentences, paragraphs? I am a word jumble. Africa. Work. Shots. Jesus. […]
My hope is built on nothing less
There is a post that has been making its way around my newsfeed this week about how we need to stop sharing our “perfect lives” on Instagram. The author makes some really good points about connecting versus comparing our lives with one another, and I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit since I first […]
Overheard at Benny’s
LDC: “Hey what are you guys doing?!” Natalie: “Oh, I’m working on my resume!” Me: “I’m having an intense email discussion with Ariana about which guy on The Buried Life is the cutest.”