Like it’s your job

I have been job hunting for four years. That is not me hyperbolizing or embellishing for dramatic effect. It has been four long years of writing cover letters and sending applications off into the void. Four years of wondering why no one is interested in working with me, and if there is something wrong with […]

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Don’t worry, I’m still alive. I’ve just been feeling extremely non-share-y (it’s a real term, I just made it up) over the past few weeks. In lieu of spilling the details of all my personal struggles on the internet please accept the following random facts: • I really like the new Arcade Fire album • […]

The Weight of Glory

“God does not always rescue us out of a painful season. You know that he does not always give to us what we so desperately want when we want it. He is after something much more valuable than our happiness. Much more substantive than our health. He is restoring and growing in us an eternal […]

…or waiting around for a Yes or No, or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting.

Last night I sat on the kitchen floor at Chateau Gadd and watched Michelle paint one of her walls. We talked about boys, music/concerts, interior design and God which are pretty much my favourite conversation topics. I love going over there because their house is always so light and peaceful and happy and I usually […]

This is my prayer in the fire

“I know that my circumstance and this season doesn’t change the fact that God is still God. It doesn’t change what God has called me to be or what He’s called me to do. He’s still on the throne, in heaven. He still rules. And He’s still bigger than everything that I’m facing.”