Tuesday Top Ten

One Today my springtime allergies arrived in full force. I have been sneezy and itchy all day because I didn’t think to take any drugs when I woke up this morning. You know, since it’s still freezing and rainy and gross outside. It seems incredibly unjust to have to suffer through springtime allergies when it […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One Today is the first day of spring. The cherry blossom trees seem to be really into it, even if the weather isn’t. I can’t wait to be able to wear flats with no socks! I know that sounds like a weird thing to be excited about but I have been rotating between the same […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One It’s the Ides of March this week. Should we celebrate by watching the Ides of March or by reading about Julius Caesar? Serious question: How do they know that Caesar was actually killed on March 15th? Is this a proven fact or just generally accept legend? It seems weird to me that they have […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb that’s how it goes right? I hope so. I have been starting to daydream about wearing shorts and sandals. It’s going to be a Top Five again today y’all. It’ll all make sense when you get to the end. Two This cover of Fleetwood […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One Happy Not The Last Day of February! I have a cousin who was born on February 29th. She has only had 7 birthdays in her whole life. Can you imagine? Personally, I think since it’s not actually a real day we shouldn’t have to go to work. It should be an extra day to […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One Happy Shrove Tuesday, everyone! The only thing I really know about Shrove Tuesday—besides the whole Mardi Gras thing, obvs—is that you are supposed to eat pancakes. So guess what I’m having for dinner? (Source) Two The big news for this week is that The Cloven Heart has launched! Tami’s blog and Etsy store is […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One Happy Valentimes everybody! Now, I know this is one of those polarizing holidays that people either love or hate. But I really don’t think it has be to a feel-sorry-for-your-single-self-and-eat-a-tub-of-ice-cream kind of day. If you don’t have a sweetie, I’m sure you have friends who you love! If you don’t have friends…call your mom! […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One Hope y’all are enjoying Love Month so far! It’s ok to still like Valentine’s Day and Love Month in general even if you’re single right? I feel like you can choose to be sad about it or you can choose to be happy you have so many awesome friends and family who you loooove. […]

Tuesday Top Ten

One February stars. Do you guys ever look back on a month and wonder how exactly you made it through? That’s how I feel about January. I blinked and it was over. This week’s Top Ten seems to have a theme of self discipline running through it. Two This past month has been super busy […]

Tuesday Top Ten

This weekend I got to attend a song writing workshop taught by Mia Fieldes, one of the writers from Hillsong. She was very funny and brutally honest and had a lot of good wisdom about writing songs. It was my first time in a songwriting workshop that specifically addressed writing for the church and she […]