On New Year’s Eve Raurie, Tiff, Jenn and I sat around our table and made predictions for 2014. We shared a bottle of red wine and laughed until we cried as we wrote down hopes and dreams for the coming year. Last night I reached into my bookshelf for a new notebook because I had […]
Camp Vibes

When I was a kid, we used to camp at Radium Hot Springs every summer. Most years we coordinated with our extended family and booked campsites all together so there were approximately one hundred Weiss cousins running around in the forest every July. My Mom’s family has been going there every year since before she […]
Island Life

Last weekend I went to the Island with a few nearest and dearest to celebrate Tiff’s birthday, and we didn’t really do a whole lot but it was great. We made food together, hot tubbed, played board games and watched a few episodes of Modern Family we had all seen before. We managed to have […]
Mikey’s Wedding

Last weekend I went home for the wedding of my baby brother. I probably shouldn’t call him that any more since he is a husband now. Golly. Because I am the oldest (and wisest, most mature, etc) I’ve reached most of the major life milestones first—getting my driver’s license, finishing school and moving out of […]
people watching

People are interesting, aren’t they? And complex. And funny. And lovely. And hurt. And full of contradictions. Joy and sorrow, sickness and health. Light and Darkness. What a strange race, we humans. Loved and known but we don’t know it. Held together by hands that hung stars And on a tree. (photo cred: Life Magazine)
Back from the Dead

Last Saturday, I wrecked my phone. It was all my own fault. Bad decision after bad decision: ”I’ll go for a hike in the pouring rain!” then, ”Obviously I’ll want to take pictures at the top” (we didn’t even make it to the top, and it would have been all fog anyway). Followed by: ”the […]
Live to tell the story

Another book club update. I finished reading Lone Survivor a couple of weeks ago. I had no intention of doing any kind of book reviews when I started this Year-of-the-Written-Word thing, I just wanted to keep a tally of books I’ve read (up to date count: two books). But I’ve been thinking about this one […]
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you

Four things that made me happy this week: One Spotting some Cherry Blossoms in bloom on my way in to work yesterday. Summer is coming. Soon and very soon. Two Steak dinner. I did not take pictures because I was too busy enjoying myself. Trust me it was beyond delicious. There is something about eating […]
O’Leary came with the bagpipes, some music for to play

On Saturday, I trekked out to the valley to dance to Irish tunes in a barn. I jumped around and clapped on the off beats. I wore green pants. I sang along to The Night Pat Murphy Died at the top of my lungs, except for the third verse which I forgot the words to. […]
Book Club Update

A reading update, because if you can’t be accountable on the internet, where can you? I finished (finally) The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared. I did enjoy this book, despite the fact that it took me nearly 6 months to get through it. I liked the quirky story telling […]